Technician Licensing Class Oct 12, 19, and 26th.
See details in the October Newsletter.
Join us for Hams In The Park the second Saturday of each month.
October 12th we will be at Trane Park.
The November meeting is on the 5th.
Our meeting
location is the
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
401 West Avenue South in
La Crosse
For a list of hamfests see:
October Newsletter
August Newsletter
July Newsletter
June Newsletter
May Newsletter
April Newsletter
February Newsletter
January Newsletter
November Newsletter
Local Amateur Events
Anyone interested in amateur radio is invited to participate.
RARC monthly meeting
is the first Tuesday of the month
at 7:00 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
401 West Avenue South, La Crosse
Come as early as 6:30 pm to talk or ask questions
RARC board
meeting is the third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm
at Los Margaritas 2505 State road in La Crosse.
night net at 8:00 pm on 146.970 PL 131.8
E-mail the club at
any comments or suggestions.
Thanks to QTH.COM
for providing the web space for this page.