Riverland Amateur Radio Club Sunday Night Net
8 p.m.
(0200 UTC Standard Time; 0100 UTC Daylight Saving Time)
Good evening and welcome to the Riverland Amateur Radio Club news, information and swap net. This is (name and call), this evening’s net control station. (you may wish to give the time, local and/or UTC) This is a directed net.
standby for any emergency or priority traffic.
The Riverland Amateur Radio
Club is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League. It meets on the first
Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., at Gundersen/Lutheran, La Crosse, Seventh St.
and South Ave. in conference room one, in the lower level of the clinic. Anyone
interested in amateur radio is invited to attend.
This net is held weekly at
this time for the purpose of exchanging news and information of interest to the
amateur radio operators of the Coulee Region. Everyone is welcome to listen and
all licensed amateur radio operators are encouraged to check into the net.
After check-ins and traffic
the net may have a swap portion during which net stations may announce and
describe items related to amateur radio for buy, sell or trade.
The net will include Newsline
and a general
discussion or ragchew at the end of the net)
We will now begin taking
check-ins. We will take check-ins from mobile, portable and short-time
stations. Then we will accept general check-ins. When you check-in with your
call sign, please also indicate whether you have information, traffic or an
item to swap.
First, do we have any mobile, portable or short-time station? If so please call now. (acknowledge and record each check-in and repeat the request for check-ins as needed)
Now it’s time for general
check-ins. Stations whose call suffix falls from A-M, alpha-mike, call net
control now.
(acknowledge and record each station and repeat the request as needed. Remember to identify at 10 minute intervals,eg. this is [ call ], net control station for Riverland Amateur Radio Club Sunday Night Net)
Stations whose call suffix falls from N-Z, November –zulu, please call now. (same procedure)
Do we have any additional check-ins anywhere in the alphabet? Please call net control now. (same check-in procedure)
Periodically as we continue the net we will call for additional check-ins. (you may wish to call at a few other logical points)
Now we will move on to traffic for the net tonight. (call those stations that indicated information, an announcement or other traffic on check-in. call for other stations with traffic. you may provide your own traffic. Repeat the information as needed)
Are there any other stations
with traffic for the net tonight? Please call now.
(remember to identify at 10 minute intervals)
Now we will move on to the
swap portion of the net. (at this point, if no
station indicated swap items, you may want to again call for any station with a
swap item before you recite the following, which is unnecessary if there are no
swap items) Stations with items to swap are
reminded that in order to comply with the Federal Communications Commission
guidelines and the rules of this net, items offered
for sale must be either amateur radio equipment or equipment directly related
to amateur radio. For example this may be computers which interface with and
run programs for amateur radio or generic masts and towers used to mount
When listing items for the net please include your telephone number and your asking price. While FCC regulations and the rules of this net allow you to name an asking price, amateurs are not allowed to negotiate the sale over the air. If you are interested in any item make a telephone call to the posting station to negotiate the sale. (call each station with swap items, repeat the description, price and telephone number)
Are there any other stations
with swap items? Please call now.
(now is possibly a time to call for any other check-ins, and/or identify yourself)
Now we will have Newsline. You
may provide either program on your own or from another such as KA9FOZ or W0JDC)
This is (your callsign) net control station for the Riverland Amateur Radio Club Sunday Night
Net. We will continue the net with Newsline (or ARRL Audio News) transmit for us by (callsign) (repeat ID at
breaks in the program)
(if you wish at this point, you may want to call to see if any station has any particular topic to discuss or ragchew about)
Before closing the net we
will take any last check-ins. Do we have any additional stations wishing to
check-in to the net? Please call now.
(same check-in procedure)
I will now close the net.
Please join us again at the same time next week. This is (callsign) clear of the repeater. You are free to use it for
normal operation.
73 and good
Net control station, improvise or change this script as needed, based on specific situations. I believe it has all of the components of a good net, but alterations may be a good thing Your callsign, at least once phonetically is probably a good idea.
Revision 11/3/11